Linden Raw Honey
In early summer the bees...

Coriander Raw Honey
Gathered from coriander blossom...

Lavender Raw Honey
Bulgaria is the largest producer of lavender oil...
The Farmers and Production
Our honeys are all sourced from small family run apiaries situated in the Central Balkans.
Far from large scale agriculture and industrial human activities the bees collect pure natural honey from wild flowers and forest blossoms, such as Acacia, Linden and honeydew from Oak. In the process of extracting and bottling great care is being taken to preserve the authenticity of the honey. We use slow gravity driven mechanical methods of extraction and filtering. The honey is being bottled straight away without any thermal or chemical intervention. That way you get the honey just as the bees have packaged it – completely pure and raw.
The Honey
We source our honey from small family run apiaries, which are situated in the Central Balkan mountains in nature reserves where large scale agriculture and industrial human activity is strictly prohibited. That's why our honeys are mainly from various herbs and tree blossoms such as "Wildflower", "Acacia", "Linden", "Oak & Beech honeydew" and "Coriander".
The honey is completely raw, just as the bees have collected it, we don't add anything to it. We use natural means of filtration using gravity fed filters, and we make sure the honey never gets heated above 40°C. That way all the natural enzymes and pollen get preserved. Large industrial installations heat honey to a high temperature and then pressure filter it, then glucose/fructose syrup is added to prevent the natural crystallization process. That's why "honey" in the supermarket shelf can look clear for months without crystallizing,
All natural honey crystallizes!"
Raw honey contains pollen, enzymes and traces of propolis. It naturally crystallises, and should be gently melted in a bain-marie or a sunny windowsill, to avoid damaging its live properties.
Become A Dealer
To meet the growing demand for raw honey we are always looking for new local / regional dealers.
If you are interested in distributing our products please contact us and find out more about our special offers for dealers.
We're Looking forward to working together with you!
Become a Dealer
About Us
Welcome to Balkan Wild - Wild, Local and Organic Produce
We are a bridge from producer to wholefoods supplier.
We source the best local products, from small farms and homesteads, and deliver them straight to your warehouse.
We love helping small local producers reach new markets with their natural, hand-crafted products.
And we love helping wholefood-lovers access healthy, wholesome, honest food from small producers.
When we started farming a few years ago, we never intended to trade in other people's products.
But we got sick of hearing how our friends' hard work was going to waste, as large-scale importing of cheap produce (the result of the exploitation of other farmers around the world) flooded the market again and again, making it impossible for honest, small-scale farmers to make a decent return – or preventing them from selling at all.
So, this website is dedicated to helping it reach you instead!